Feeding 2 Million Children Everyday


The Akshaya Patra Foundation operates

71 kitchens, 7000+ staff across 15 States & 2 Union Territories in India.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation operates its kitchens at ISO standards and has 21 kitchens that are ISO certified. We have adopted advanced technologies such as Six Sigma, Kaizen, blockchain, and IoT to ensure efficiency, safety, and quality control in our kitchens. We follow strict procurement practices based on standards adapted from the Food Safety Standards Act 2006 (FSSA) to ensure that the food we serve is safe and of the highest quality.

Our centralized kitchens are designed with frugal innovation in mind, allowing us to cook between 10,000 to 250,000 meals within 6 hours while prioritizing innovation, efficiency, and safety. We employ 7,000 men and women, with 30% of our workforce being women. Our cooking to consumption time is 4 hours or less, ensuring that the food we serve is fresh and hot.

In locations where the geographical terrain does not support a centralized kitchen model, we have successfully implemented a decentralized model where local women cook up to 5,000 meals daily. This model provides rural women with a sustainable source of income, helping them to break the cycle of poverty. We believe that by empowering women and providing them with a livelihood, we can make a positive impact on the community as a whole.


At Akshaya Patra, we believe that a culture of innovation and improvement is essential for our ability to effectively scale production and reach more children. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our processes and systems to make our operations more efficient and sustainable. Our ability to adapt to new technologies and implement them in our kitchens, such as Six Sigma, Kaizen, blockchain and IoT, has helped us to streamline our operations and reach more children with nutritious meals. We are committed to continuously improving our program to ensure that we can reach as many children as possible and make a positive impact on their lives.

At Akshaya Patra, we have invested in advanced technology and custom-designed equipment to prepare and distribute nutritious meals to children in government schools across India.

Our Chapati (roti) Baking system can cook 60,000 chapattis per hour, allowing us to efficiently serve a large number of children.

Our Rice Preparation System uses advanced steam technology to prepare 1,200 liters of rice in just 15 minutes, and our Easy-tilt cauldrons allow cooked rice to be quickly transferred to specially designed insulated containers for distribution.

We also have a Daal/Sambar System that produces sambar in custom cauldrons capable of preparing 1,200 liters of sambar in 15 minutes.

Additionally, our kitchens are equipped with thermite boilers that burn sustainable agri- waste (ground nut shells and grain husks) briquettes to reduce carbon emissions and cooking times. Each briquette boiler saves 788.95 Megatons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere.

We also take care of the environment by triple washing rice and vegetables are triple washed before cooking and re-using the same water for washing delivery vehicles.


Are you curious to see firsthand how Akshaya Patra’s mega-kitchens can cook thousands of meals within hours? If so, you’re invited to schedule a visit to one of our kitchens while schools are in session. This is a unique opportunity to see our operations and learn more about our mission to combat hunger and improve education for children in India.

We also offer corporate engagement opportunities for companies looking for ways to involve their employees in our mission. Whether it’s volunteering at one of our kitchens or participating in a team-building event, there are many ways for your company to make a positive impact. To learn more, please contact us at contact@tapfca.org.