Feeding 2 Million Children Everyday


When the tummy is full the mind is free to soar

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a secular, not-for-profit organization that provides nutritious midday meals to over 2 million government school children in 20,000 schools across 15 states and 2 union territories in India every day. We work closely with the Department of Food Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare in India to design a vegetarian menu that meets the nutritional needs of growing children. Our menu is carefully crafted to cater to local preferences and is continuously optimized to improve taste and nutrition.

Many of the children who attend Akshaya Patra schools come from low-income families and are unable to afford basic necessities such as vegetables, grains, and milk. Our program ensures that these children have access to a balanced and nutritious meal every day. The meal usually consists of three items, with dessert served once a week. We also supplement our meals with peanut butter paste and fortified rice to improve the caloric and nutrient value.

We believe that no child should go hungry, so we provide unlimited food and encourage second and third helpings. Often, younger siblings of students come to school at mealtime or students take remaining food home with them. We are committed to providing a healthy and nutritious meal to each child every day, giving them the energy and nourishment they need to focus and learn in the classroom.

Number of children served per day
Number of meals served per year


Proper nutrition is essential for the optimal functioning of the body, especially for growing children. Without a nutritious meal, it can be difficult for children to focus and engage in the classroom. Many children from low-income families are unable to access even one nutritional meal per day, which limits their ability to concentrate in class and receive a proper education. This often results in them dropping out of school to work and support themselves and their families.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is committed to providing a hospitable environment and the resources necessary to help children succeed at school. Our Mid-day Meal Program provides nutritious meals to children in government and government-aided schools, which serves as an incentive for families to keep their children in school and break the cycle of poverty through education. Our program has been proven to increase the net enrollment ratio (especially for girls), attendance, and performance levels of students in primary grades. With a proper meal, children are able to focus and learn, which helps to pave the way for a brighter future.